Thursday, November 10, 2011

Richwell Kids Kraze Toy Sale

The annual Richwell's Kids Toy Sale starts today.
Schedule is as follows:
November 11-12
November 18-19
November 25-26
December 2-4
December 9-11
December 16-20 

Saturdays and Sundays 9:00 to 6:00 pm
Weekdays and Fridays 1:00-6:00 pm

Do not panic buy. Bring a companion. Bring water.
Check the merchandise. If you are going to buy a single item do not buy that item, its not worth the wait unless you save more than a thousand pesos. I discourage you to buy shoes for gifts, the one who wears the shoes should be the one fitting them and sometimes it is not appreciated. 
We bought a shoes before and my daughter does not like it. 
Clothes are better. We bought a vtech toy at half the price. Half a year its broken.
We bought a bike and there was a defect, they fixed it, but now it not working.
I appreciate educational toys though. I hope they have lots of those.
See you there.


  1. so negative remarks!


    try to check this link and the remark is similarly negative.

  3. Too bad I missed this one! I could have stretched my budget to accommodate more gifts.
