Day four of our hypnosis class got us to listen to empty coca cola cans and sea shells and see what we can hear. since it is the hearing faculty that we are using, I may have difficluty with that because of my injured ear. So I let it be, the POWER of LET asd Father Bu told us is not working with me. All I can hear is "I am so tired". I do not know where did I get that reception. By the way we also tried to look for hidden things inside the room and I was close to finding it. We also tried to intuitively guess the school of one of our classmates who is from UST by using our thumb and of course not by reasoning. I've intuitively seen the letters E and T and then last is letter U, I cannot make a school out of it and I never thought it could be UST. Whew so much for the activity and getting intuition, I didn't shared it though.